Order now & Recieve Mystery Freebie Frag and Sticker! With every Purchase!
Free Shipping over $400

Free Mystery Frag and Sticker with your order!

When you order from us, and your order is over $49 we will include a nice Mystery Frag and High-Quality Sticker! We appreciate you choosing SBB corals!

FREE GIFT with orders over $49

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Shipping Procedure and Policy

  • Flat rate shipping is $45
  • We offer free shipping for orders of $400 and over.
  • We Write the name of all Corals on the bags
  • Most of our signature SPS the name is written on the plug.
  • All Corals are Shipped using UPS Overnight Express. Most Packages should arrive by 10:30am
  • Corals are packed at 3pm EST so they will be in bags the least amount of time Usually less then 24hours to your door
  • Corals are Packed in large Bags with Pure Oxygen – Which means corals can live for 48 hours in bags
  • Corals are Packed in thick insulated wall Styrofoam Cooler boxes.
  • If the Temp is less the 65 Degrees, we will use a heat pack and punch a hole in the top of the box for air to the heat pack so it can work during Shipping
  • IF temp is between 65 and 75, we don’t use a hear or a cold pack
  • If temp is over 75 then we will use a Cold pack and tape the box all around so its air right.
  • Shipping days are Tuesday and Wednesday. We are closed Mondays and do not ship Thursdays (this is in case the shipment gets delayed; then it may not be delivered until Monday).
  • All our corals ship with 6×16 3ml. Poly watertight bags using a clear portion cup for protection. All coral names are written on the bags for clear identification.
  • Currently, we only offer local pickup to select clientele.